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January 3, 2024
2023 Looking Back from Patchwork Sampler Blog

The last quarter of 2023 got away from me. After our trip to Ireland in late September, things just snowballed and my productivity fell. I was still working and quilting but never really got back into the groove.

I am terrible at recordkeeping (trying to do better), but I probably finished 30-35 quilts in 2023. I’m okay with that. I did not make a dent in either my stash or huge pile of UFOs. I would like to do better there, but I simply have no interest in finishing many of the UFOs so am figuring out ways to ...

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October 20, 2023
Friday Finish: Granny Patch from Patchwork Sampler Blog


I am so excited to share this quilt with you. It is Granny Patch by Lo and Behold Stitchery. I saw an Instagram post with this quilt and fell in love with its simplicity and scrappiness. I know you’re probably thinking you don’t need a pattern to make this easy checkerboard design and I thought the same thing. However, I know how much work goes into creating and publishing a pattern, so I always support the designer by buying the pattern.

I am so happy I made the purchase. The construction method is magic. It was amazing to ...

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June 1, 2023
June Challenge: Solids from Patchwork Sampler Blog

Some months the challenge is to finish UFOs and WIPs and other months it is to use some stash. The June Challenge is to use solid fabrics. Why solids?

I have a ton of them

For some reason, I have loads of solid fabric. There is no reasonable explanation for this because I rarely use solids. In fact, I have been wracking my brain and I cannot think of a single quilt I’ve made entirely from solid fabric. Yet, somehow, I have two stuffed and overflowing shelves of solids. Every time I pull something out, several other pieces come ...

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  • granny patch
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